The Venture Capitalist’s Complete Guide of Recommendations to Founders to Optimize Financial Performance

In a recent AVL Growth Partners survey of venture capitalists, investment bankers, and private equity investors across the United States, we uncovered 6 sets of recommendations your peers would make to the founders of portfolio companies they are managing to set them up for solid financial success. Not surprisingly, 93% of respondents indicated they believe venture capitalists face unseen risk due to prospective or current portfolio companies not providing clear financials. How then to mitigate those risks? By guiding founders to avoid the most common financial mistakes high-growth companies make.

This guide lays out the most common financial mistakes and offers venture capitalists peerdriven data to establish and maintain excellent communication with founders on avoiding them to thrive. When we asked survey participants how concerned they were about the financial performance of portfolio companies, 43% said extremely concerned, and another 38% said moderately concerned.

Yet when we asked how satisfied they were with the clarity of financials provided by portfolio companies, nearly half said they were only moderately satisfied. In this publication, we aim to equip you and your peers with the tools needed to increase that level of satisfaction and thereby improve portfolio performance.

This publication covers:

  • The Top 3 Financial Drivers That Can Make or Break a Startup
  • 6 Sets of Recommendations to Make to Founders
  • The Most Accurate Way to Project Growth in Portfolio Companies

The Venture Capitalist’s Complete Guide of Recommendations to Founders to Optimize Financial Performance

In a recent AVL Growth Partners survey of venture capitalists, investment bankers, and private equity investors across the United States, we uncovered 6 sets of recommendations your peers would make to the founders of portfolio companies they are managing to set them up for solid financial success. Not surprisingly, 93% of respondents indicated they believe venture capitalists face unseen risk due to prospective or current portfolio companies not providing clear financials. How then to mitigate those risks? By guiding founders to avoid the most common financial mistakes high-growth companies make.

This guide lays out the most common financial mistakes and offers venture capitalists peerdriven data to establish and maintain excellent communication with founders on avoiding them to thrive. When we asked survey participants how concerned they were about the financial performance of portfolio companies, 43% said extremely concerned, and another 38% said moderately concerned.

Yet when we asked how satisfied they were with the clarity of financials provided by portfolio companies, nearly half said they were only moderately satisfied. In this publication, we aim to equip you and your peers with the tools needed to increase that level of satisfaction and thereby improve portfolio performance.

This publication covers:

  • The Top 3 Financial Drivers That Can Make or Break a Startup
  • 6 Sets of Recommendations to Make to Founders
  • The Most Accurate Way to Project Growth in Portfolio Companies

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Please fill out the form below to download your copy of the eBook.

Please fill out the form below to download your copy of the eBook.